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Manual Mode Shooting - Maximize your camera's potential with Manual Mode

Composition and design image

Starts at $310!
Did you know? Now iPhones and latest smartphones have Manual Mode! Find out all that can be done with Manual Mode beyond Bokeh background blur. No need to be afraid of the “M” on your camera anymore! With "M" mode you are able to unleash the full potential of your camera's technical ability and do amazing effects!. Get a full understanding of Manual Mode settings. You'll learn how to get that silky smooth blurred background, or completely tack sharp foreground through Depth of field control. Freeze action or capture slow light movement through Motion Blur Control. Take your exposure control to the next level in various lighting scenarios. You will also learn about doing in-camera special effects that you see all the pros use! Class structures are mixed with Photo Critiquing HW, Verbal Instruction and Hands-on Exercises. A mixture to cater to all learning types. Weather permitting, we’ll even go outside and take your newly learned skills to the neighboring streets of NY, including the popular Union Square Park. Additionally, you'll develop your own photo project and will have the option to showcase at the end of the course (optional).

This course is highly recommended for anyone with access to Manual mode looking to significantly step up their imagery.


* Any camera with manual mode (Aperture & Shutter speed control). Digital SLR, Point & shoot, Mirrorless, or film.
* The Camera's beginners' guide course (which is for Automatic mode cameras) is not required in order to take this course.
** Students who completed “Digital Photography II” in the past, don't need to take this course.

Available versions:

Manual Mode. 10 hours. $315. This version has everything you need to know.
Manual Mode Complete Guide. 15 hours. $415. This version has extra shooting time and practice.

Notes on film cameras: while most content of this course is applicable to digital cameras, you are welcome to attend as long as your film camera has manual shooting mode. Should the assigned instructor become suddenly unavailable, we’ll allocate a substitute.

Scroll down to see all the available schedules. ↓

Master your Exposure & Imagery with Manual Mode (4-Sessions): Sep 30-Oct 21, Mondays 3:15 PM-5:25 PM. Online Master your Exposure & Imagery with Manual Mode (4-Sessions): Sep 30-Oct 21, Mondays 3:15 PM-5:25 PM. Online

Instructor: TBA.

(Master your Exposure & Imagery with Manual Mode
at PhotoManhattan)_PhotoManhattan)_.

Full fee: $345.00

  1. Photo Courses
  2. Exposure & Manual Mode
Manual Mode iPhone