Home > Group Courses > Camera Basics, Photo I, and Video > Photo I - Single-Day Classes

Short Photo classes & Webinars

Our short introductory classes are mostly hands-on workshops and do not require more than very basic knowledge and equipment. The sessions last 1 or 2 hours and cost $45–$90. Take them at lunch time, in person, online or remotely using your mobile phone! (You'll only need a gmail account and Hangouts. View online-classes info).

These classes are part of our introductory courses and are generally scheduled back to back on the same day. We recommend bundling up to 2-3 hours of class and taking each session in the order listed at the bottom of this page.

Introductory package discounts:
4 hours: 10% off | 8 hours: 25% off | 12 hours: 35% off | 16 hours: 50% off . Discounts will automatically apply at checkout.

Note, If you are already registered for a course you don't need these classes (unless you are looking for a refresher on specific skills).

Scroll down to see all the available schedules. ↓

DP19-1A - Camera Basics - 1 hour DP19-1A - Camera Basics - 1 hour

Are you getting confused with so many camera settings? This class will guide you through them. Session will cover camera menus, image quality and size, resolution, file formats, white balance, ISO and all other fundamental settings.

No prior photography knowledge required. Point-and-shoot or SLR cameras. Bring your camera with fresh batteries!

View recommended bundle and same day classes here.

DP19-1B - Shooting Basics - 1 Hour DP19-1B - Shooting Basics - 1 Hour

Learn to expose your photos correctly using automatic or manual mode. If your photos ever look too dark or too bright, or even slightly blurry, this class is good for you. Class content is applicable to DSLRs as well as point-and-shoot cameras.

Requirement: camera basics seminars, or equivalent experience — in other words, you should know the buttons, menu and basic settings of your camera.

View recommended bundle and same day classes here.

DP19-2A - Light and Exposure Tricks - 1 Hour DP19-2A - Light and Exposure Tricks - 1 Hour

Go beyond the basics! Learn how to capture special light effects and get creative with sunsets, sunshine, backlit scenes, candle light, indoor light, or just about any lighting effects. Class is good for automatic or manual cameras.

Requirement: camera basics and shooting basics seminars, or equivalent experience

View recommended bundle and same day classes here.

DP19-2B - Shooting Workshop - 1 Hour DP19-2B - Shooting Workshop - 1 Hour

This is a hands-on photo shoot day, where students will carry on challenging exercises to experiment with the basics of camera, shooting, exposure, and lighting. Session will include Q&A, troubleshooting, and personalized guidance throughout the shoot. This session is highly recommended if you’re seeking to put your skills to test and clarify any questions prior to moving on to the next level. And it's a lot of fun!

Requirements: Manual or automatic cameras. Basics knowledge of the camera, settings, light, and exposure, in either manual or automatic mode.

View recommended bundle and same day classes here.

DP19-3AB - Motion Blur - 2 Hours DP19-3AB - Motion Blur - 2 Hours

Learn what happens behind the scenes and why your photos look blurry at times. Avoid camera shake, low light blur, and add zooming and panning effects. Get your photos on spot as you want them. Expand your skills using motion purposefully: Capture waterfalls, paint with light, and much more.

Requirements: Any camera with manual or automatic mode.

View recommended bundle and same day classes here.

DP19-3B - Creative Motion Blur DP19-3B - Creative Motion Blur

Expand your skills to creative imagery through the use of motion to your advantage. Capture waterfalls, paint with light, and much more! This session will include fun shooting practice.
Requirements: Any camera with manual or automatic mode. Motion blur basics or equivalent.

DP19-5A - Cityscapes - 1 Hour DP19-5A - Cityscapes - 1 Hour

While the basics of composition, framing, and camera settings seem easy in the controlled environment of a classroom, it quickly becomes challenging when shooting outdoors and in crowded spaces. Students will learn tips and tricks to manage the camera, settings, lighting and composition fast and efficiently. Additionally, this session will introduce great compositional aspects of cityscapes that will create variety in your imagery.

Requirements: Manual or automatic camera. Camera, light and exposure basics.

View recommended bundle and same day classes here.

DP19-5B - People & Outdoors - 1 Hour DP19-5B - People & Outdoors - 1 Hour

Capturing good images of people can be challenging. This seminar will walk you through easy techniques for people photography — capturing candid shots, basic framing, backgrounds and common dos and don'ts. This session is a good complement to Cityscapes for those of you shooting outdoors.

Requirements: Manual or automatic camera. Camera, light and exposure basics.

View recommended bundle and same day classes here.

DP19-6A - Focusing Basics - 1 Hour DP19-6A - Focusing Basics - 1 Hour

Often overlooked, focus depth can turn an average-looking image into an amazing one. At times you may need to blur out the background and at other times you might need everything in sharp focus. In this session, you'll learn how to quickly manipulate focus depth using your camera in manual or automatic mode. We highly recommend taking the Focusing Workshop to further your skills.

Requirement: camera basics seminars. Manual or automatic camera.

View recommended bundle and same day classes here.

DP19-7A - Built-In Flash - 1 Hour DP19-7A - Built-In Flash - 1 Hour

Tried to shoot the fireworks and the flash got in the way? Flash can make or break an image. Sometimes, it maybe the only way, and sometimes it might kill the “mood” or wash out your images. In this seminar the instructor will walk you through the basics to avoid common flash issues, as well as tips for better-looking images. All you need to know about built-in flash will be covered.

Requirements: Manual or automatic camera. Camera and shooting basics or equivalent.

View recommended bundle and same day classes here.

DP19-7B - Photo Critique - 1 Hour DP19-7B - Photo Critique - 1 Hour

These group photo critique sessions are one of our most popular classes. Made for those seeking constructive reviews and feedback of their images and to share creative ideas with other participants. Instructors will provide personalized feedback for each student individually and will guide you as to how to maximize your photo skills based on your work and your goals.

Requirements: Photo shooting knowledge. Note, students are expected to already know basic photography techniques. Instructor will only provide guidance on what to do next, rather than how to do it.

View recommended bundle and same day classes here.

DP19-8A - Editing Basics - 1 Hour DP19-8A - Editing Basics - 1 Hour

This class walks you through quick tools to edit, resize, rotate, crop, upload and share your photos. It includes batch processing using simple apps available to all. This session is made to help you use your post-shooting time most effectively.

Note: For more advanced photo editing tools please see our Photoshop or Lightroom courses.

View recommended bundle and same day classes here.